
To add more functionality to canvas_ux, canvas_viz, or any component, first set up a dev environment. Then, packages can be updated and deployed. If your change could be useful to other users, please consider making a pull request.

Development Installation

1. Install JavaScript package managers.

Install Node and Yarn globally on your machine.

2. Create a Python environment.

With conda, using canvas as the environment name:

conda create -n canvas python=3.10
conda activate canvas

Or, instead using venv:

virtualenv --python /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate

3. Install Python dependencies.

Install Python dependences by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Install Canvas packages.

First, install the canvas_ux Python package.


Optionally, install all the widgets:


5. Build and watch for changes.

For the main canvas_ux package:

yarn dev

For canvas_viz:

cd canvas_viz
yarn watch

Optionally, for the widgets:


Deployment Note

As all packages depend on canvas_viz, whenever canvas_viz is updated, all packages need to follow. To do that, you need to manually bump all files for all widgets and for the main Canvas package. Then, you can use:
