Source code for deepview_torch._torch_producer

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# This file contains code that is part of Apple's DNIKit project, licensed
# under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
# Copyright 2021 Apple Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import dataclasses
import deepview.typing._types as t

import numpy as np
import torch
from import IterableDataset, DataLoader

from deepview.base import Producer, Batch

# see ProducerTorchDataset class doc and mapping below
PRODUCER_TORCH_MAPPING = t.Union[str, Batch.DictMetaKey, Batch.MetaKey,
                                 t.Callable[[Batch.ElementType], t.Any]]

# see TorchProducer class doc and mapping below
TORCH_PRODUCER_MAPPING = t.Union[str, Batch.DictMetaKey, Batch.MetaKey,
                                 t.Callable[[t.Any, Batch.Builder], None]]

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class ProducerTorchDataset(IterableDataset): """ Adaptor that transforms any :class:`Producer <deepview.base.Batch>` into a :class:`PyTorch IterableDataset <>`. The Producer can be something simple like a :class:`ImageProducer <deepview.base.ImageProducer>` or a more complex :func:`pipeline <deepview.base.pipeline>` of stages. Instances are given a :attr:`mapping` that describes how to transform the structured data in a :class:`Batch.ElementType <deepview.base.Batch.ElementType>` (type of single :class:`batch.elements <deepview.base.Batch.elements>`) into an unstructured tuple that PyTorch expects from a Dataset. This same mapping can be used to map the positional values from PyTorch back into a deepview Producer via :class:`TorchProducer`. This class also supports an optional :attr:`transforms` that works similar to the ``transforms`` attr on `PyTorch image datasets <>`_. See Also - :class:`TorchProducer` -- converts a PyTorch Dataset/DataLoader into a :class:`Producer <deepview.base.Producer>` Args: producer: see :attr:`producer` mapping: see :attr:`mapping` batch_size: **[optional]** see :attr:`batch_size` transforms: **[optional]** see :attr:`transforms` """ producer: Producer """ The Producer to represent as a PyTorch Dataset. """ mapping: t.Sequence[PRODUCER_TORCH_MAPPING] """ Describes how to map a :class:`Batch.ElementType <deepview.base.Batch.ElementType>` to the Dataset result. Typically the first value returned from a Dataset is an array-like piece of data, e.g. an ``image`` :attr:`field <deepview.base.Batch.fields>` in a typical :class:`Batch <deepview.base.Batch>`. The mapping supports several different types of values: - string -- names a `batch.fields` to copy into the output - :class:`DictMetaKey <deepview.base.Batch.DictMetaKey>` / :class:`MetaKey <deepview.base.Batch.MetaKey>` -- names a :attr:`batch.metadata <deepview.base.Batch.metadata>` to copy into the output - callable -- custom code to produce a custom result For example: .. code-block:: python # consider a Batch.ElementType with data like this: im = np.random.randint(255, size=(64, 64), dtype=np.uint8) fields = { "image": im, "image2": im, } key1 = Batch.DictMetaKey[dict]("KEY1") metadata = { key1: {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"} } # it's possible to define the mapping like this: def transform(element: Batch.ElementType) -> np.ndarray: # note: pycharm requires a writable copy of the ndarray return element.fields["image"].reshape((128, 32)).copy() ds = ProducerTorchDataset(producer, ["image", "image2", key1, transform]) In this example the Dataset will produce two ndarrays, a dictionary and a reshaped ndarray. """ batch_size: int = 100 """ The size of batch to read from the producer. This is independent of the downstream batch size in PyTorch. """ transforms: t.Optional[t.Mapping[str, t.Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]] = None """ Optional transforms ( This is a mapping from field name to a Tensor transform, e.g. image and audio transforms. Typical PyTorch Datasets provide a ``transform`` and ``target_transform`` to transform the first and second values. This class requires passing in specific field names for the transforms to apply to. For example: .. code-block:: python dataset = ProducerTorchDataset( producer, ["image", "mask", "heights"], transforms={ "image": transforms.RandomCrop(32, 32), "mask": transforms.Compose([ transforms.CenterCrop(10), transforms.ColorJitter(), ]), }) """ def __post_init__(self) -> None: # since str is-a Sequence, double check to make sure the caller # didn't pass in a bare str by accident assert not isinstance(self.mapping, str), ( "mapping should be a list of strings, callables and DictMetaKeys, not a single str.") def __iter__(self) -> t.Iterator: transforms = self.transforms or {} for batch in self.producer(self.batch_size): for element in batch.elements: result: t.List[t.Any] = [] # this is a t.Any to allow for custom mappings for i, mapping in enumerate(self.mapping): if isinstance(mapping, str): # take a copy of the field data -- torch.Tensor requires that the # data be writable. data = element.fields[mapping].copy() if mapping in transforms: tensor = data if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor) else torch.Tensor(data) transformed = transforms[mapping](tensor) data = transformed.detach().cpu().numpy() result.append(data) elif isinstance(mapping, Batch.MetaKey): # simple sequence data = element.metadata[mapping] result.append(data) elif isinstance(mapping, Batch.DictMetaKey): # metadata is a dictionary of arrays meta_data = element.metadata[mapping] # dictionary with single field -> list if len(meta_data) == 1: single_field_data = meta_data[next(iter(meta_data))] result.append(single_field_data) else: result.append(meta_data) elif callable(mapping): # custom mapping result.append(mapping(element)) else: raise ValueError(f'mapping "{mapping}" is an ' f'unhandled type: {type(mapping)}') yield tuple(result)
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class TorchProducer(Producer): """ Adaptor that transforms a PyTorch `DataLoader <>`_ into a DeepView :class:`Producer <deepview.base.Producer>`. This enables reuse of PyTorch Datasets with DeepView :func:`pipelines <deepview.base.pipeline>`. Instances are given a :attr:`mapping` that describes how to transform the unstructured tuple that a PyTorch Dataset produces into a structured DeepView :class:`Batch <deepview.base.Batch>`. This same mapping can be used to match a :class:`Batch <deepview.base.Batch>` into a Dataset in :class:`ProducerTorchDataset`. See Also - :class:`ProducerTorchDataset` -- :class:`Producer <deepview.base.Producer>` into a PyTorch Dataset Args: data_loader: see :attr:`data_loader` mapping: see :attr:`mapping` anonymous_field_name: see :attr:`anonymous_field_name` """ data_loader: DataLoader """ The PyTorch DataLoader to adapt to a :class:`Producer <deepview.base.Producer>`. """ mapping: t.Sequence[TORCH_PRODUCER_MAPPING] """ This mapping defines how the positional values in a PyTorch Dataset map back to a structured :class:`Batch <deepview.base.Batch>`. This is essentially the same mapping used in :class:`ProducerTorchDataset` -- the same mapping could be used to round-trip the data between PyTorch and deepview. The values in the mapping correspond to the positions in the Dataset result and convert values as follows: - string -- map a Tensor into a :attr:`batch.fields <deepview.base.Batch.fields>` :class:`numpy.ndarray` - :class:`DictMetaKey <deepview.base.Batch.DictMetaKey>` / :class:`MetaKey <deepview.base.Batch.MetaKey>` -- map a value into :attr:`batch.metadata <deepview.base.Batch.metadata>` - callable -- perform custom conversion and update the :class:`Batch.Builder <deepview.base.Batch.Builder>` - None -- discard a value For example, given a Dataset that produced data like this: .. code-block:: python yield ndarray, ndarray, 50, {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"} it can be mapped into deepview :attr:`metadata <deepview.base.Batch.metadata>` like this: .. code-block:: python key1 = Batch.DictMetaKey[int]("KEY1") key2 = Batch.DictMetaKey[t.Mapping[str, str]]("KEY2") producer = TorchProducer(loader, ["image", None, key1, key2]) That will map the first field into ``batch.fields["image"]`` as an :class:`numpy.ndarray`. The second field will be discarded. The third and fourth fields will come across as :attr:`metadata <deepview.base.Batch.metadata>` like this: .. code-block:: python element.metadata[key1] == { "_": 50 } element.metadata[key2] == {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"} If the Dataset only produces image data, a single mapping will be sufficient: ``["image"]`` """ anonymous_field_name: str = "_" """ The field name to use when mapping non-dictionary metadata to :class:`DictMetaKey <deepview.base.Batch.DictMetaKey>`. For example, if a PyTorch Dataset produces: .. code-block:: python yield ndarray, [10, 20, 30] it can be mapped into a :class:`DictMetaKey <deepview.base.Batch.DictMetaKey>` like this: .. code-block:: python key1 = Batch.DictMetaKey[t.List[int]]("KEY1") producer = TorchProducer(loader, ["image", key1]) element = next(iter(producer(1))).elements[0] # this is how the metadata is surfaced element.metadata[key1] == { "_": [10, 20, 30] } Ideally a :class:`MetaKey <deepview.base.Batch.MetaKey>` is used in these cases. """ def __post_init__(self) -> None: # since str is-a Sequence, double check to make sure the caller # didn't pass in a bare str by accident assert not isinstance(self.mapping, str), ("mapping should be a list of strings, " "callables and metadata keys, not a single str.") @property def batch_size(self) -> int: return self.data_loader.batch_size or 100 def _transform(self, value: t.Any, mapping: TORCH_PRODUCER_MAPPING, batch: Batch.Builder) -> None: if isinstance(mapping, str): # field data if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): value = value.detach().cpu().numpy() elif isinstance(value, list): value = np.array(value) elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): pass else: raise ValueError(f'field mapping "{mapping}" is an unhandled type: {type(value)}') batch.fields[mapping] = value elif isinstance(mapping, Batch.MetaKey): # simple metadata, use the value directly (unwrapping tensors as needed) if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): batch.metadata[mapping] = value.tolist() elif isinstance(value, t.Sequence): batch.metadata[mapping] = value else: raise ValueError(f'metadata mapping "{mapping}" ' f'is an unhandled type: {type(value)}') elif isinstance(mapping, Batch.DictMetaKey): # dictionary metadata # # if a Dataset returns: # # <number> -> Tensor([...]) # ndarray -> Tensor([ndarray, ndarray, ...]) # # <str> -> [...] # [a, b, ...] -> [ Tensor([a, ..]), Tensor([b, ...]), ...] or [["a", ...], ["b", ...]] # {k1: v1, k2: v2} -> {k1: Tensor[v1, ...], k2: Tensor[v2, ...]} if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): # map to an array of values batch.metadata[mapping] = {self.anonymous_field_name: value.tolist()} elif isinstance(value, t.Sequence): value_is_list_tensor_or_tuple = ( isinstance(value[0], list) or isinstance(value[0], torch.Tensor) or isinstance(value[0], tuple) ) if value_is_list_tensor_or_tuple: # transpose the lists # -- lists of [a, b, c, ...] are expected, not [a, a, a, ...] batch.metadata[mapping] = { self.anonymous_field_name: list(map(list, zip(*value)))} else: batch.metadata[mapping] = {self.anonymous_field_name: list(value)} elif isinstance(value, dict): # turn the keys into fields in the metadata -- the dicts at the element # level will match what the Dataset returned batch.metadata[mapping] = { k: v.tolist() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else v for k, v in value.items() } else: raise ValueError(f'metadata mapping "{mapping}" ' f'is an unhandled type: {type(value)}') elif mapping is None: # skip the field in the tuple pass elif callable(mapping): mapping(value, batch) else: raise ValueError(f'cannot handle mapping of type: {type(mapping)}') def __call__(self, batch_size: int) -> t.Iterable[Batch]: if batch_size != self.batch_size: raise ValueError('The Torch DataLoader used in this instance produces batches ' f'of size {self.batch_size}, ' f'requested batch size: {batch_size}') for data in self.data_loader: batch = Batch.Builder() if isinstance(data, list): # if the Dataset returns multiple values, data will be a list for value, mapping in zip(data, self.mapping): self._transform(value, mapping, batch) else: # a single value -- this is the result of a Dataset that returns a single value self._transform(data, self.mapping[0], batch) yield batch.make_batch()