Source code for deepview_tensorflow._sample_models

# Copyright 2024 BetterWithData
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# This file contains code that is part of Apple's DNIKit project, licensed
# under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
# Copyright 2022 Apple Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import dataclasses
import os
import tempfile

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from deepview.base import PipelineStage, Model, ResponseInfo
from deepview.processors import Processor
import deepview.typing._types as t
import deepview.typing._deepview_types as dt
from deepview_tensorflow._tensorflow._tensorflow_loading import load_tf_model_from_path

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class TFModelWrapper: """ A wrapper for loading TensorFlow models into DeepView :class:`Models <deepview.base.Model>` and :class:`PipelineStages <deepview.base.PipelineStage>`, with their pre- and post-processing functions built-in. Args: model: see :attr:`model` preprocessing: see :attr:`preprocessing` postprocessing: see :attr:`postprocessing` """ model: Model """ DeepView :class:`Model <deepview.base.Model>` to put into DeepView :func:`pipeline <deepview.base.pipeline>` """ preprocessing: dt.OneManyOrNone[PipelineStage] = None """ One or many DeepView :class:`PipelineStages <deepview.base.PipelineStage>` for pre-processing :class:`batches <deepview.base.Batch>` for this model """ postprocessing: dt.OneManyOrNone[PipelineStage] = None """ One or many DeepView :class:`PipelineStages <deepview.base.PipelineStage>` for post-processing :class:`batches <deepview.base.Batch>` after model output """
[docs] @classmethod def from_keras(cls, model: tf.keras.Model, preprocessing: t.Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]) -> 'TFModelWrapper': """ Convenience method for loading as :class:`TFModelWrapper` from Keras models and preprocessors. Note: When subclassing ``TFModelWrapper`` and there are additional pre-postprocessing steps to run outside of Keras's preprocessing, modify the respective attribute of the return object to add those steps as :class:`PipelineStages <deepview.base.PipelineStage>`. Args: model: TensorFlow Keras model preprocessing: keras preprocessing function to transform data """ return TFModelWrapper( model=cls.load_keras_model(model), preprocessing=Processor(preprocessing) )
[docs] @staticmethod def load_keras_model(model: tf.keras.Model) -> Model: """ Saves TF Keras model to disk and reloads it as a DeepView :class:`Model <deepview.base.Model>`. Args: model: TF Keras model """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: model_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'model.h5') dni_model = load_tf_model_from_path(model_path) return dni_model
@property def response_infos(self) -> t.Mapping[str, ResponseInfo]: """ Get all possible responses in a model. Result is returned as a mapping between response names and the corresponding :class:`ResponseInfo <deepview.base.ResponseInfo>`. """ return self.model._response_infos
[docs] def __call__(self, requested_responses: dt.OneManyOrNone[str] = None) -> ( t.Union[dt.OneOrMany[PipelineStage], t.Sequence[dt.OneOrMany[PipelineStage]]]): """ Generate a :class:`PipelineStage <deepview.base.PipelineStage>` that preprocesses :class:`Batches <deepview.base.Batch>` for the :class:`Model <deepview.base.Model>`, runs the model with the requested responses, and postprocesses responses before returning them. Note: If the instance's ``postprocessing`` or ``preprocessing`` properties are None, it will ignore those steps`. Args: requested_responses: passed to the DeepView :class:`Model <deepview.base.Model>`. Determines which outputs from the model will be present in the :class:`Batch <deepview.base.Batch>` output by the resulting :class:`PipelineStage <deepview.base.PipelineStage>`. Returns: a single :class:`PipelineStage <deepview.base.PipelineStage>` or list of :class:`PipelineStages <deepview.base.PipelineStage>` """ stages = [ stage for stage in (self.preprocessing, self.model(requested_responses=requested_responses), self.postprocessing) if stage is not None ] if len(stages) == 1: return stages[0] return stages
[docs] class TFModelExamples: """ Out-of-the-box TF and Keras models with pre- and post-processing. """ MobileNet: t.Callable[..., TFModelWrapper] = lambda: ( TFModelWrapper.from_keras(tf.keras.applications.mobilenet.MobileNet(), tf.keras.applications.mobilenet.preprocess_input)) """Load the MobileNet model and processing stages from Keras into DeepView."""