DeepView – Data and Network Introspection Kit ============================================= A Python toolkit for analyzing machine learning models and datasets. DeepView can: - :ref:`create a comprehensive dataset analysis report ` - :ref:`identify duplicate data samples ` - :ref:`find rare data samples, annotation errors, or model biases ` - :ref:`compress networks ` - :ref:`detect inactive units in a model (e.g., due to dying ReLU) ` - :ref:`...and more `. DeepView algorithms (also known as **introspectors**) view data *through the eyes of a neural network*. They operate using intermediate responses of the networks to provide a unique glimpse of how the network perceives data throughout the different stages of computation. .. image:: img/responses.gif :scale: 50 % :alt: Intermediate responses are extracted from models and used in DeepView algorithms. :align: center :class: bot-margin Getting Started --------------- Explore the links in the sidebar on the left. Here are some good places to get started: - :ref:`DeepView Installation Page ` - :ref:`How To Use DeepView, starting with loading a model ` - :ref:`Jupyter notebook examples ` - :ref:`How to Cite DeepView ` and see the following DeepView use case examples. Examples -------- Identify model biases and annotation errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :ref:`Familiarity introspector ` can be used to plot the most and least representative data samples for a given set of data samples, which can assist in identifying model biases and annotation errors. For instance, introspecting with `a simple CNN model trained on MNIST `_, and the MNIST dataset, there is a clear predilection for slanted 5's (top, "most familiar"): .. image:: img/fam_mnist_example.png :class: bot-margin :alt: 20 most familiar and 20 least familiar 5's. The most familiar 5's all look very crisp and clean and the least familiar look atypical. Fives that aren't slanted, written with a fine-tipped pen, or look like capital S's are the least "five-like" when compared to the overall dataset (bottom, "least familiar"). In the "least familiar" plot, at the far right of the first row, there is a "J"-like symbol that is not very interpretable as a 5, and we might want to remove it from the dataset. [#f0]_ Familiarity analyzes intermediate network embeddings, rather than final model output. This means it may also be run on models that will be fine-tuned or adapted and were not trained on the target task, like `MobileNet `_, trained on ImageNet. For instance, running Familiarity on data samples with the "deer" label in the `CIFAR10 dataset `_, using responses extracted with this MobileNet model, the results are as follows: .. image:: img/fam_deer_example.png :class: bot-margin :alt: 20 most familiar and 20 least familiar deer discovered with Familiarity. The most representative (most *familiar*) deer images include scenes with green foliage and coarse textures, while the least representative (least *familiar*) samples show deer on single-color backgrounds or within circles. To improve diversity within the "deer" data samples, a user might consider collecting more data samples like what are shown in the "least familiar" rows. Compress a network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ref:`Principal Filter Analysis (PFA) ` can be used to compress networks :ref:`without compromising accuracy `; e.g., tests on `VGG-16 `_ on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet actually show that PFA achieves a compression rate of 8x, 3x, and 1.4x with an accuracy gain of 0.4%, 1.4% points, and 2.4% respectively. For a quick example, let's use PFA to compress the `Keras library's example ConvNet `_ for the `MNIST dataset `_. The model is trained exactly as specified in a Jupyter notebook, save the model to disk with :code:`"mnist.h5")`, then run: .. code-block:: python from deepview.base import pipeline, TrainTestSplitProducer from deepview_tensorflow import load_tf_model_from_path # Load model into DeepView dni_model = load_tf_model_from_path('mnist.h5') # Get Conv2D layer names to request responses from req_layers = [ name for name in dni_model.response_infos.keys() if 'conv' in name ] # Set up pipeline to feed batches of data into model # :: Note: use the same x_train, y_train, etc. # :: from the Keras MNIST CNN example code. mnist = TrainTestSplitProducer(((x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test))) responses = pipeline( mnist, dni_model(requested_responses=req_layers), Pooler(dim=(1, 2), method=Pooler.Method.MAX) ) :ref:`PFA.introspect ` can be used to compress the model, estimating new layer sizes: .. code-block:: python pfa = PFA.introspect(responses) # introspect! # Show suggestions for new layer sizes with 'KL' strategy .. image:: img/pfa_show_example.png :class: bot-margin :alt: PFA recipe example showing columns of layer names, original unit count, and and recommended unit count according to PFA. To act on the suggestions, the model is then re-trained with the suggested layer sizes. Note, it's possible in this step to reuse weights and train from there to get better results, rather than training from scratch. Looking at the suggestions and setting the two Conv2D layers at 21 and 45 filters, respectively, PFA helps achieve a **40% reduction in model size** (271 KB vs 450 KB) with **no significant cost to accuracy**. [#f1]_ [#f2]_ Please see the `PFA paper `_ or :ref:`doc page ` for more information about the experiments. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f0] The predilection for slanted 5's suggests that a trained model may exhibit a bias towards those types of fives. To improve the robustness of this model, one solution could be changing the pipeline to include data augmentation that rotates and skews images, to reduce the model's bias towards 5's with a rightward skew. .. [#f1] All estimates were made by comparing 8 training runs of the original model vs the compressed model, and running an unpaired t-test on the accuracy scores for the test set. .. [#f2] Moreover, the PFA energy strategy with :code:`energy=0.8` will compress the model by over 80%, while only sacrificing a tiny bit of accuracy —only about 0.5%. The number of Conv2D filters with this energy threshold strategy is reduced from 32 to 7 and 64 to 14, resp.: .. code-block:: python # Get PFA recipe for energy level 0.8 recipe_80_perc = pfa.get_recipe( strategy=PFA.Strategy.Energy(energy_threshold=0.8, min_kept_count=3) ) # Display PFA recipe for energy levels 0.8 and 0.95 (out of 1.0) While for a toy MNIST example, these differences in model size and training time might seem negligible, for large models, 40% or 80% compression may mean the difference between shipping a model on device or not. Instead of tweaking hyperparameters seemingly at random, PFA offers valuable starting points for fine-tuning models based on solid evidence. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Getting Started general/installation general/example_notebooks .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: How to Use 1. DeepView overview 2. Load a model 3. Load data 4. Introspect .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Algorithms Data Introspectors Network Introspectors .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Utilities Data Producers Batch Processors .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Visualization Canvas Framework .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Reference api/index reference/how_to_cite Support / Debugging Changelog .. toctree:: :hidden: genindex